This test is very insightful as to how shapes can be rotated and sequences formed out of different shapes.
What are spatial reasoning tests?
Spatial reasoning tests are designed to assess your spatial awareness. This means how you visualise shapes and process them in their two and three dimensional forms, how adept you are at looking at objects from a different perspective and how you fare at assembling and disassembling things mentally.
In the public sector, this type of aptitude test will only be set if the job you’re applying for is in some way related to the skills being tested.
There’s a widely held belief that spatial awareness is something that you’re either born with or not, but we know that people who prepare for the test always tend to do better than those who don’t.
Have a go at a few spatial reasoning tests to get to grips with the style of questions.
Why do employers use spatial reasoning tests?
An employer will set the spatial reasoning test if they’re hiring for a job that requires spatial awareness and an ability to mentally complete puzzles. As you take the test, you’re also being examined on how well you keep calm and think logically under pressure.
The public sector is competitive, and an aptitude test such as this will help an employer to determine which candidate they should take forwards.
What is the spatial reasoning test format?
The test will involve a series of questions based on different visual problems. You may have to work out how the 2D shape in front of you looks in 3D, or which picture represents its mirror image.
You won’t have long to answer each question, so it’s important that you focus as much as you can on the questions and work quickly but accurately through the problems.
What skills does spatial reasoning test?
The main skill being tested is your spatial awareness. The test is often set when employers are looking to hire someone with the skills to mentally assemble and disassemble shapes as well as comfortably manipulate objects into different perspectives.
As is the case with all aptitude tests, you’re also giving your employer a better understanding of how you cope with time pressure, and to some extent how well you’ve prepared for the test you’re sitting.
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Sample Spatial Reasoning Tests question Test your knowledge!
If a rectangular piece of paper is folded in half twice, ending with four layers, and then a single hole is punched through all layers, how many holes will be present when the paper is fully unfolded?
- 2 holes
- 4 holes
- 8 holes
- It depends on where the hole is punched
Imagine a cube that has a different color on each of its six faces. If the blue face is on the bottom, which face could potentially be on the top?
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Any color other than blue
You have a flat, circular pizza that is divided into 8 equal slices. By how many degrees would you rotate one slice so that it is directly on top of another slice?
- 45 degrees
- 90 degrees
- 180 degrees
- 360 degrees
Consider a ladder leaning against a wall, reaching a height of 10 meters when the ladder's base is 6 meters from the wall. If the ladder is pulled 2 meters farther from the wall, how much lower will the top of the ladder be?
- 1.33 meters
- 2 meters
- Less than 2 meters
- More than 2 meters
Without lifting your pencil from the paper, is it possible to draw a continuous line that passes through all sides of a pentagon exactly once?
- Yes, by starting from an inside angle
- Yes, by starting from an outside angle
- No, it's not possible to do so
- It's only possible with an even number of sides
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Spatial Reasoning Tests Tips
- Practice, Practice, Practice!
Make Psychometric Tests your new daily workout routine. The more you practice, the more you'll start to see patterns and understand the logic behind the puzzles. And hey, no one’s watching, so try and try again!
- Visualize Success
Literally! Try picturing the objects in real life. It’s not just lines on a page; it’s a box or a ramp or whatever you want it to be. The better you can visualize, the closer you are to mastering these mind games.
- Take Your Time
While it's a timed test, don’t rush! Each question you answer correctly is like gold in your pocket. Quality over quantity, friends – that’s the ticket to beating the clock in the long run.
- Break It Down
Got a complex figure? Break it into smaller parts and tackle each bit at a time. Sometimes conquering a big challenge is just a matter of summing up all the little victories!
- Stay Calm and Carry On
Stress can turn your mental maps into mazes. Keep your cool, take deep breaths, and remember – it's just a puzzle, and you’ve tackled tons of those with us already.
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Spatial Reasoning Tests FAQs
- How are spatial reasoning tests scored?
Your test will be marked, often then it’ll be directly compared to a normative group. This gives a clearer idea of whether the test you’ve just sat it particularly hard, and how you fared compared to a group of people with a proven ability for spatial reasoning.
- What are spatial reasoning tests used for?
The test is used by employers in the public sector who are looking to hire people with a specialised set of skills. In this case, it’s about finding the people that have a proven ability to mentally assemble and disassemble shapes and view objects from a different perspective.
- What do spatial reasoning tests involve?
The test involves a series of different questions on pictures of shapes and objects. You could be asked anything from which shape is the mirror to the one you’re looking at, to how a certain object would look in three dimensions.
- What do spatial reasoning tests measure?
The test measures your spatial awareness, your ability to mentally assemble and disassemble things and how well you work under pressure. The skillset being tested is quite specific, but it helps employers recruiting for specialist jobs in the public sector to hire the right people.
- Where can I practice spatial reasoning tests?
You can practice spatial reasoning tests here. When you practice you get results, and you also get the added bonus of picking up hints, tips and tricks that’ll make taking the test that little bit easier.
- Which employers use spatial reasoning tests?
The spatial reasoning test is most often used by engineering and architecture firms, however there are a few jobs in the public sector that require someone with excellent spatial awareness. If that’s the case, an employer would opt to set the spatial reasoning test to ensure they’re getting the best person for the job.
What our customers say about our Spatial Reasoning Tests
kennedy waweru
November 03, 2023
Very Good for spatial reasoning
Chidimma Aziude
July 02, 2024
It’s important to note that there isn’t enough time to waste on a particular question. It’s advisable to be time conscious.
The free test is encouraging, as it exposes the candidate to real life exam situation and what to expect. It will be interesting if answers/feedbacks are sent across immediately to the candidate after ending the test, so as to measure strength and weakness, as well as readiness.