Talent Q Tests

Prepare for your next Talent Q test with tailor-made practice materials.

What is a Talent Q Assessment?

Talent Q is a popular psychometric test developer founded in 2006 by Roger Holdsworth, who also co-founded another test provider called SHL. In 2014 Talent Q was acquired by the Hay Group and is now administered by Korn Ferry.

Talent Q offers a diverse selection of tests that are available in over 40 languages, which makes them a popular choice across the world. Talent Q tests differ from other tests as they adapt to the candidate's ability level by increasing or decreasing in difficulty depending on the answers given. This gives the employer an idea of the individuals' true level of ability. Talent Q assessments are also 'blended', which means the same test can be used to analyse a mixture of different skills.

Talent Q Assessment Categories

Talent Q has several test suites which cover a range of areas such as cognitive ability, personality, situational judgement and motivations. There are five different Talent Q test suites:

  • Elements
  • Aspects
  • Situational Judgement
  • Motivations
  • Dimensions

Elements Suite

The Elements Suite is typically used for recruitment at the managerial, executive, professional, and graduate levels. It assesses a candidate's verbal, numerical and logical reasoning skills. Each Elements test has a time limit of 15 minutes to work through all the questions.

Elements Verbal

This assessment is intended to measure your language and comprehension skills by analysing your ability to quickly read, understand and filter key pieces of information from passages of text. Elements Verbal consists of 15 questions based on the text you have just read, typically asking you to select which statement is correct or incorrect from a list.

Each question has an individual time limit of 60 seconds, so it is a good idea to get accustomed to the pace you need to work at by practicing example tests.

Elements Numerical

Elements numerical assess a candidate's ability to analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from numerical data. The information will be presented in the form of tables, so it is a good idea to get familiar with reading data in this form.

This test contains 12 questions, which must also be completed in 15 minutes. Advanced level of maths is not required for this assessment, but brushing up on basic maths concepts such as percentages, ratios and fractions will help prepare you for this test.

Elements Logical

Consisting of 12 questions, Elements logical assesses a candidate's ability to make inferences based on abstract information and apply this to reach the correct conclusion. The test will require you to analyse a series of symbols and look for rules and patterns to determine the missing image from the sequence. Again, you will have 15 minutes to complete this assessment.

This can help employers to understand your capacity to understand and apply novel information, which can be useful in predicting your ability to solve problems and adapt to new situations.

Aspects Suite

The Aspects Suite has similarities to the Elements Suite, however, Aspects is designed to measure the fundamental skills necessary for frontline and service positions, such as those in retail, manufacturing, transport, and emergency services. The assessments in Aspects are quick, typically lasting around 6-10 minutes long.

The Aspects Suite consists of Aspects Ability and Aspects Styles:

Aspects Ability

Aspects ability assesses your numerical, verbal and checking skills, which are all essential in customer-facing and service roles.

Aspects Ability contains the following assessments:

Aspects Numerical: Consisting of 12 multiple-choice questions, this test assesses a candidate's ability to quickly interpret, analyse, and draw conclusions from numerical data typically presented in tables.

Aspects Verbal: Aspects Verbal will require you to read, analyse, and make inferences from a passage of text. You will be asked 12 multiple-choice questions based on various passages of text.

Aspects Checking: In this test, you will be required to analyse and check tables of information against each other. There will be 8 different tables, each containing 5 or 6 rows of data. This is used to measure your ability to recognise errors in data.

Aspects Styles

Aspects styles is a competency-based questionnaire to assess your behavioural characteristics. Candidates are presented with statements, from which they have to express how much the statement aligns with their behaviour at work, ranging from 'completely untrue' to 'very true'. Employers use this assessment to determine which candidates have the competencies required for the position.

Situational Judgement Test

The Talent Q situational judgement test presents candidates with a series of hypothetical workplace scenarios and will ask them to select from a list of multiple-choice responses, which is the most appropriate. The responses given are then used to determine a 'fit' score, which measures the candidate's key competencies, cultural fit, and preferred behaviour against the company's requirements for the role.


The motivations questionnaire involves a series of statements regarding motivation at work, in which you need to rate how important each statement is for you at work. You will be presented with statements in groups of four, and will be asked to rate the importance of each statement on a scale of 'Not important' to 'Extremely important.' The questionnaire usually takes around 30 minutes to complete.

The questionnaire assesses your drives and values by looking at what stimulates and energises candidates in the workplace, which can be helpful for employers in predicting whether you will be a good cultural fit for the company.


Talent Q dimensions is a questionnaire that measures a candidate's personality to predict their suitability for a particular job. Dimensions are typically used in the later stages of the recruitment process, and also throughout the employee lifecycle.

Dimensions look at personality across three main areas - people and relationships, tasks and projects and drives and emotions. Each of these categories contains five traits that are understood as predictors for successful job performance.

Dimensions are similar in structure to motivations, with statements regarding behaviour at work grouped into blocks of four. For each statement, you will need to rate how true it is to you personally, from 'completely untrue' to 'very true'.

Tips To Pass Talent Q Tests

1. Practice Under Timed Exam Conditions

The best way you can prepare for Talent Q assessments is to practice with plenty of mock tests. This will allow you to sharpen your skills, whilst also highlighting weaknesses to focus on. Make sure to take the tests in a room free of distractions, and under timed conditions - this will help you get accustomed to the strict time limit, and the pace at which you will need to answer questions.

2. Repeat Tougher Questions

When practicing questions, you may be tempted to stick to the areas you are good at, however, the best way to improve your score on the assessment is to practice those questions that you find more challenging.

3. Understand The Format

Learning which Talent Q assessments you will be taking, and familiarising yourself with how these are formatted will help you stay relaxed as you will know what to expect when it comes to the real assessment.

4. Don't Be Afraid To Fail

Be confident in the practice and preparation you have put in for the assessment. If you do not get the result you want, take this as a learning opportunity, so you can come better prepared for your next assessment.

Sample Talent Q Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

An investor buys shares at $25 each and sells them when the price increases by 15%. For what price does the investor sell the shares?

  • $28.75
  • $27.50
  • $25.75
  • $30.00

A company's total revenue in the first quarter was $250,000. If the revenue increased by 8% in the second quarter and by 5% in the third quarter, what was the total revenue for the third quarter?

  • $283,500
  • $280,000
  • $292,500
  • $275,000

During a certain period, a factory produced 400 units of product A, 300 units of product B, and 500 units of product C. If the factory continues to increase its production by 25% for each product, how many units of product B will it produce in the next period?

  • 375 units
  • 400 units
  • 425 units
  • 350 units

A company's profit is determined by the formula: Profit = Revenue - Expenses. If the revenue for a particular month was $150,000 and expenses were $90,000, what was the profit?

  • $60,000
  • $50,000
  • $40,000
  • $70,000

If an employee earns an annual salary of $72,000, what would be his monthly earnings before tax deductions?

  • $6,000
  • $5,000
  • $6,500
  • $7,200

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Psychometric Tests was an invaluable resource to ace a multitude of different pre-interview screening assessments.

Natasha used Psychometric Tests in preparation for her interviews at Think Ahead


Talent Q Tests Tips

Familiarize Yourself with the Format

Understanding the structure of Talent Q exams is the first step to conquering them. Unlike conventional tests, Talent Q assessments are adaptive. This means the difficulty of questions will fluctuate based on your previous answers. On Psychometric Tests, we offer practice exams that mimic this adaptive nature, helping you to become comfortable with the format before you sit the real thing.

Sharpen a Range of Skills

Since Talent Q tests are 'blended' to evaluate various abilities simultaneously, it's crucial to work on enhancing different skill sets. Our platform includes a multitude of practice tests that target different competencies, so you can improve on verbal, numerical, and logical reasoning all in one place.

Take Advantage of Practice Tests

Proficiency comes with practice. The more you work on practice exams, the better you'll understand the types of questions and how to approach them. Psychometric Tests provides a robust selection of practice questions tailored to the unique adaptive style of Talent Q exams, enabling you to track your progress over time.

Build Test-Taking Stamina

Talent Q tests can be intensive, and endurance is key. It's important to simulate the testing conditions by taking full-length practice exams on Psychometric Tests. This will ensure that you're not only prepped for the kinds of questions you'll face but also ready to sustain your concentration throughout the actual exam.

Review and Learn from Mistakes

After each practice test on Psychometric Tests, take the time to go through your results thoroughly. Analyze the areas where you're strong, and more importantly, understand where you went wrong. Learning from your mistakes is what will lead to improved performance in future assessments.

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Talent Q Tests FAQs

How Do You Prepare For Talent Q Tests?

The best way to prepare for Talent Q tests is to take practice mock tests under exam conditions. Remember, it is important to review your answers after, so you know where you went wrong, and what you need to focus on to improve.

Which Companies Use Talent Q Test?

Talent Q assessments are used by companies in a range of industries, including Royal Mail, RBS, Lloyds Bank, Ford and Virgin Atlantic.

Is Talent Q Korn Ferry?

Talent Q was acquired by the Hay Group in 2014. Korn Ferry is also part of the Hay Group and administers Talent Q assessments.

What Is Talent Q Personality Assessment?

The Talent Q Personality Assessments are intended to measure characteristics that are typically predictive of good performance at work. This can include how you manage relationships, deal with conflict, how you deal with tasks, and your motivations and drives.

Can You Fail A Talent Q Assessment?

There is no pass/fail mark for Talent Q assessments, however, companies may set their own benchmark score that you need to achieve to be successful.