Clevry Tests

Prepare for your next Clevry assessment with practice tests and questions.

What is a Clevry Test?

Clevry, previously known as Criterion, is a psychometric test provider that designs and delivers aptitude and personality tests. Employers use these assessments as part of their recruitment process to objectively assess candidates based on their abilities, characteristics, and traits.

There are several types of Clevry tests: cognitive ability tests such as abstract logical reasoning, error checking, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning and mechanical reasoning skills. Other Clevry tests include those that evaluate an individual's personality and behavioral preferences.

The results from the tests are used to select the best candidates for roles based on their aptitudes and personalities.

The Structure of Clevry Tests

Clevry tests are used for recruitment in a variety of sectors. There are three different streams of Clevry tests; all tests evaluate individuals on what is known as their cognitive power rather than speed of thought process.

  • Utopia (High-level): Comprising verbal, abstract and numerical reasoning tests used in the recruitment of graduate and professional level roles.

  • B2C (Mid-level): Error checking tests, abstract reasoning, verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning tests, used for customer service-focused roles at the mid-management level.

  • Mechanical: Verbal reasoning, mechanical reasoning, and numerical reasoning tests, used when recruiting for manufacturing-led, engineering, or production-based positions.

Clevry Abstract Reasoning Test

The Clevry abstract reasoning test is a timed, multiple-choice assessment comprising 16 questions that must be completed in 45 minutes. The test evaluates individuals on their inductive reasoning ability. That is, their ability to review the information and make logical inferences to reach a conclusion.

Questions in the Clevry abstract reasoning test are given as patterns or shapes. Individuals needed to determine the link or relationship between them, then select which of the multiple-choice answers represents the shape that follows next in the pattern.

Clevry Error Checking Test

The error checking test is a multiple-choice assessment mainly used by employers recruiting for customer-focused roles.

Candidates are first given two pieces of reference data that they need to read. Information could include text or numerical data such as stock data.

The test then asks candidates to identify any discrepancies or errors in the information, selecting which of the five multiple-choice answers they believe to be correct.

Individuals are assessed on their attention to detail and selective focus in reading and identifying mistakes in data.

Clevry Numerical Reasoning Test

The multiple-choice numerical reasoning assessment evaluates individuals' ability to solve mathematical problems.

Applying their knowledge and practical understanding of numerical concepts such as ratios, fractions, averages, and percentages to the data, candidates need to determine which of the multiple-choice answers is correct.

Test takers are given sixteen questions in the form of graphs, tables, or charts that must be completed in eighteen minutes. They are allowed to use calculators.

The results gained from the test show whether candidates are proficient in dealing with numerical data when solving problems.

Clevry Verbal Reasoning Test

The Clevry verbal reasoning test assesses a candidate's ability to understand, analyze and interpret passages of text and make logical conclusions.

The test is comprised of sixteen questions to be completed in nine minutes. The questions include short passages of text

Candidates need to read the information and then determine whether the multiple-choice statements that follow are false, true, or they can not say, based on the information they have read.

Clevry Mechanical Reasoning Test

The mechanical reasoning test is mainly used in recruitment for positions that require individuals to have strong mechanical reasoning skills. The test includes questions on concepts relating to levers, pulleys, gears, or electrical concepts, such as voltage or circuits.

Questions are given in the form of diagrams. Candidates must use their practical knowledge and understanding of the relevant mechanical principle or concept to determine which of the listed answers is correct.

There are twelve questions in the Clevry mechanical reasoning test, and individuals have twenty minutes to answer them.

Clevry Personality Questionnaire

The Clevry personality test evaluates an individual's characteristics and traits. Results from the assessment give employers a better understanding of individuals’ personalities, and behavioral preferences, such as dealing with stressful situations, approaching problems, or communicating with others.

There are two types of personality questionnaires that employers can use. The core competency personality questionnaire evaluates individuals on twenty-six items (known as scales) of personality. The enhanced version evaluates individuals on thirty different scales.

Questions are given as statements, with candidates selecting on a scale whether they agree or disagree with the statement. The personality questionnaires are specific to the sector and aligned with the role an employer is looking to fill.

Clevry Situational Judgment Test

The situational judgment test evaluates individuals on their behavioral preferences when in situations they are likely to face in the role. Questions are given in the form of short scenarios.

Candidates need to read and decide which of the multiple-choice statements best represents how they would react or behave in the given situation.

The test evaluates candidates in five specific areas:

  • Collaboration

  • Commercial awareness

  • Thinking

  • Influencing

  • Teamwork

Given the nature of the situational judgment test, the assessment is often sector-specific, with questions related not only to the role but also to the organization.

Tips To Pass the Clevry Tests

The Clevry tests are a comprehensive assessment of an individual's abilities in the areas employers deem to be essential for the roles they have to fill. While the tests evaluate candidates on their inherent aptitudes, there are many things that you can do to perform to the best of your natural ability and get a high score.

1. Practice

The key to doing well in the Clevry tests is to ensure you have practiced sample tests. Practicing tests ensures you are familiar with the test's format and style. When practicing, ensure you simulate exam conditions so that you experience the time pressure you will feel when taking the test.

2. Read each question carefully

Take the time to read each question carefully rather than skim reading. Understanding the question and the information given means that you don't misinterpret the question or essential pieces of information.

3. Don't panic

If you feel one part of the assessment hasn't gone well, don't dwell on it. Keep calm and focus on the part of the assessment. If you struggle to answer the questions, mark your best choice and move on to the next question. The more questions you answer correctly, the higher your score will be. Give yourself the best opportunity to complete as many test questions as possible.

4. Manage your time

As the Clevry tests are timed, it is important to manage your time throughout each test, ensuring you complete as many questions as possible. To help you learn how to manage your time, do practice tests. When practicing, make sure you time yourself, using your experience to help you manage your time in the actual test.

5. Master your abilities

Make sure to refresh your memory of any concepts or principles that you will be assessed on.

Practice puzzles, such as jigsaw puzzles to hone your abstract reasoning abilities. You can also practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or mindfulness.

Mastering your abilities will keep you calm, give you confidence and help you perform to the best of your ability on the test.

Sample Clevry Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Which one of the following is a possible immediate consequence of increasing the voltage across a circuit assuming the resistance stays the same?

  • Decrease in current
  • Increase in current
  • Decrease in power
  • Circuit does not change

What comes next in the sequence: A, C, E, G, ?

  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K

If the current trend continues, what will be the value of the investment after 10 years if it started at $5,000 and increased by 20% each year?

  • $31,000
  • $62,000
  • $125,000
  • $30,518

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from this statement: 'All roses are flowers, but not all flowers are roses.'?

  • Some flowers are roses.
  • Roses are not flowers.
  • All flowers are roses.
  • No roses are flowers.

If gear A rotates clockwise, which direction will gear B rotate?

Gear A is connected to gear B of the same size.

  • Clockwise
  • Counter-clockwise
  • It will not rotate
  • The direction cannot be determined.

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Pav used Psychometric Tests to ace the interview process at the Civil Service


Clevry Tests Tips

Get Familiar with Clevry

Before you dive into tackling those practice exams, take a moment to get comfy with Clevry's format. Each provider like Clevry has its unique way of presenting questions, so understanding the layout and types of questions you'll encounter will give you a head start. Swing by Psychometric Tests and walk through some sample questions to get a feel for the rhythm and pace!

Reflect On Your Answers

Right, so you've answered a bunch of questions — what's next? Resist the urge to just move on. Spend some time reviewing your answers, especially the ones that stumped you. This isn't just about getting it right; it's about understanding the why behind each question and answer. This insight is what's going to make a world of difference on your test day.

Time Yourself

Tick-tock! Remember, these tests often have a stopwatch ticking away. Start practicing with a timer to simulate the actual testing conditions. Get used to the pressure of the clock, so on test day, you're cool as a cucumber and can focus on showcasing your smarts, not watching the seconds slip by.

Sleep On It

Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep before test day. It's tempting to cram last minute, but your brain needs rest to perform at its peak. Plus, things have a funny way of clicking into place after a snooze. Give it a try — you might just wake up with a fresh perspective and sharper focus.

Stay Positive and Confident

Here's the thing: your attitude can make or break your performance. Go in with the belief that you've got this. If you've used Psychometric Tests to prep and practice, trust in the work you've put in. A positive mindset will help you stay calm, collected, and ready to conquer those Clevry tests!

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  • 8 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 74 Employer packages
  • 22 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Clevry Tests FAQs

Why are Clevry tests used?

Employers use Clevry tests to objectively assess an individual's aptitudes as relevant for the roles they have to fill. Gaining a better understanding of whether or not an individual has the abilities needed for success in a role leads to the recruitment of the most suitable applicants for a position.

How challenging is a Clevry test?

The Clevry test is a thorough assessment of an individual's abilities in the areas needed for a role. To perform to the best of your ability on the test, it is essential to practice and refresh your memory of the concepts and principles being assessed. Effectively managing your time during the assessment can also help you answer as many questions as possible to attain a high score.

How are Clevry tests scored?

The Clevry tests are scored according to the number of questions answered correctly. This score is then compared against a group known as a norm group to attain a percentile score. In some instances, employers may use an individual’s raw score. An individual’s overall performance is then categorized as red, amber or green.

Do I have to complete all tests in one sitting?

Clevry tests are comprised of multiple assessments, each assessing a specific aptitude. Candidates can take each assessment in a separate sitting.