Australian Border Force Assessments

Ace your Australian Border Force exams with tailored practice tests.

Careers at Australian Border Force

The Australian Border Edge is at the frontline of law enforcement, ensuring the safety and integrity of Australia's borders. They tackle everything from immigration enforcement to customs operations. Working with ABF is not just about having a job; it's about embracing a challenging and rewarding career that makes a national impact. Prospective Australian Border Force officers can explore a variety of career paths, all of which demand keen analytical skills, sound judgment, and the ability to handle complex operational tasks efficiently. Joining the ABF means becoming part of a team that's integral to protecting Australia's community and interests.

Australian Border Force Application Process

The selection process has 4 major stages:

1. Online Application

2. Online Assessment

3. Interview

4. Assessment Centre

Australian Border Force Online Application

The first step towards a career with the Australian Border Force begins with an online application. Candidates are required to submit their personal details, educational background, work experience, and other relevant qualifications through an electronic system. They may also be asked to answer questions pertaining to their ability to meet the various demands of a role within ABF. This step is crucial as it is the candidate's first opportunity to make a good impression and to stand out amongst other applicants.

Australian Border Force Online Assessment

The online assessment is a critical stage in the ABF recruitment process. This step often includes cognitive tests, personality questionnaires, situational judgment tests, and other evaluations designed to gauge a candidate's suitability for a career in law enforcement. These assessments help to assess analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and alignment with the ABF values and code of conduct.

Australian Border Force Interview

If you've made it to the interview phase, congratulations! This is where you'll have the chance to showcase your interpersonal skills, experience, and depth of understanding of the role you are applying for. Be prepared to answer situational questions that assess your judgment and responsiveness to challenges you might face as part of the Australian Border Force.

Australian Border Force Assessment Centre

The Assessment Centre stage is the culmination of the ABF application process. Here, candidates engage in various exercises, including group activities, presentations, and role-play scenarios that simulate on-the-job challenges. This stage offers a tangible way to demonstrate how candidates can handle the pressures and demands of a dynamic law enforcement environment.

Sample Australian Border Force Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /6

Assuming half of the coal mined from both mines in March was sold in April and one quarter was sold in each of May and June what was the income generated from the sales?

Price per tonne$78$82$76$89$77
  • $8,163,750
  • $8,216,250
  • $8,347,500
  • $8,478,750

If a new drink, Banana Milk, was introduced at the Primary School and half of the pupils that chose Chocolate Milk and a third of the pupils that chose Coca-Cola before would now choose Banana Milk, how many pupils would choose Banana Milk?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • 14
  • 15
  • 26
  • 21

What is the percentage decrease in turnover per day in the Primary school if every pupil that chose Sprite before are now choosing Water instead?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • 8.81%
  • 8.69%
  • 8.57%
  • 8.51%

What's the difference in the number of pupils that chose water between the schools?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • 98
  • 102
  • 103
  • 113

What was the daily turnover for the drink vender in the Secondary School?

DrinkPricePrimary SchoolSecondary School
Chocolate Milk£1.903032
  • £352.30
  • £452.90
  • £247.05
  • £345.40

What was the difference in value of the coal mined at mine A and mine B in April?

Price per tonne$78$82$76$89$77
  • $380,000
  • $494,000
  • $874,000
  • $1,140,000

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Psychometric Tests was an invaluable resource to ace a multitude of different pre-interview screening assessments.

Natasha used Psychometric Tests in preparation for her interviews at Think Ahead


Australian Border Force Assessments Tips

Understand the Format

Familiarize yourself with the test layout to minimize surprises on test day.

Focus on Your Weaknesses

Spend more time practicing areas where you need the most improvement.

Time Management

Learn to manage your time effectively during the test to ensure you can complete all sections.

Free Practice Tests

Take advantage of free practice tests offered by Psychometric Tests to hone your skills.

Stay Relaxed

A calm mind will help you think clearly and perform better, so find relaxation techniques that work for you.

Level up

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  • 74 Employer packages
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  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
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Australian Border Force Assessments FAQs

What are the Australian Border Force tests?

The Australian Border Force tests are a series of assessments used to determine a candidate's suitability for the diverse roles within the agency. These exams may include situational judgment tests, personality questionnaires, and cognitive ability tests.

Are the Australian Border Force tests hard?

The difficulty of Australian Border Force tests can vary, but they are designed to challenge applicants. They aim to assess a candidate’s capability to handle the complex tasks associated with a role in the ABF.

How do I prepare for Australian Border Force tests?

To prepare for Australian Border Force tests, regular practice and familiarity with the test format are key. Psychometric Tests offers a wealth of practice tests to help you get ready for your assessments.

How long does the recruitment process take at Australian Border Force?

The recruitment process at Australian Border Force is thorough, and the timeline can vary depending on the role and volume of applications. Generally, expect the process to take several weeks to a few months.

What are Australian Border Force's core values?

Australian Border Force's core values include integrity, respect, commitment to service, accountability, and professional excellence. These values guide ABF officers in performing their duties to the highest standards.